Wednesday, November 02, 2005

killer squirl

It's been 10 days after the marathon, the limping has stopped with just a little soreness remaining. I haven't worked out at all since the run and it made me realize just how much the training had consumed my life. I've been sitting in the office during lunch time instead of working out, I have nothing to do but read blogs, news, nake an afternoon nap, it's been really nice. But now I'm starting to feel edgy. I've got all this pent up stress and I'm getting restless.

I was actually going to blog a story about this stalker squirl living on our roof. The other day when I was walking along the sidewalk to my car, this squirl started following me. Then I stepped onto the road to cross the street and the squirl came right in front of me, just 1 foot in front of me, blocking me. I shuffled to the right to avoid him and he BLOCKS ME I shifted back to the left and he blocks me again. How strange? So I sort of stepped around him and walked across the street to my car and he just waited there for me. On my way back to the house I walked between a different set of parked cars and the squirl hops back on the sidewalk and runs up to me. That started to scare me so I ran/limped my way up the door steps and he's right THERE by my ankle! I ran through the door closing it quickly behind me and screamed for my roomate. "**** THERE'S A SQUIRL AFTER ME!" "what???" She comes down. We both started laughing out how stupid I sounded. But there he was, waiting outside, running back and forth between the door and the window, waiting for me.

On Sunday I stepped out to go to the store and the squirl was there again. This time he perched on the wooden railing like those fake owls. I called for my roomie again, and this time she threw a bag of shoes at the squirl. He ducked but came perching there, she threw the shoes again (the shoes, um.. didn't belong to us, btw), then he charged at us! We slammed the door "see! the squirl attacks!" I screamed. So Ms. GK, with shoe sac in hand, decidedly said "ok, Headdump, go ahead, step out and I'll cover for you. " cover for me? am I being held hostage by a squirl? psycho squirl.


Ben said...

Um, and what were you smoking when you saw this squirrel? I suggest you get yourself a video camera and document this. I wanna see proof!

Oh. And good thing you trained for a marathon, or else who knows what would have happened if that squirrel caught up with you!

celia said...

HAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Good one, give me some of dat...duuuude, that's some gooood shiiit man!

Thoughts said...

Don't like your spelling of squirl...that's just not right to use my name like that...haha. Didn't you know. I sent him to stalk you!

Ben said...

Wow, that squirrel really freaked you out, huh? Scared you off of blogging ever again!