Sunday, November 15, 2009

going solo

I want to believe that I always get what I want.

I want to believe it so that I'll have no reservations aiming high.

I wanted to work alone and I got it. Now I'm scared shitless.
That whole body sweat in the morning with my heart beating at a 100? It's not hot flashes, not my hot down blanket. I had to be told it's called an anxiety attack. I wake up every morning to an anxiety attack? Here I go... on my own, wish me luck.


Ben said...

First off, congratulations! How did the whole "turning solo" actually happen: peacefully or otherwise?

And remember that fear is actually quite a good motivator in many cases. Break your huge problem down into manageable pieces, take it step by step, day by day, and you'll get there.

Isn't it too warm to have a huge down blanket?

Anonymous said...

Hey, I don't know you but I do wish you luck.
I read your blog by mistake. And it is quite nice to not feel alone in such a situation.
I am not doing the solo thing.
But I have a deadline tomorrow, which I have to face on my own.
So, good luck!