Friday, December 02, 2005


Thanks to Tine and Mikey I was hooked to the show '24' for the past month. I spent all day yesterday finishing up season 2. That's 12 hours remaining. After just one hour I held onto the controller so I can fast forward through any scenes that involved Kim Bauer, a character that seems to always get herself into trouble, incredibly whiney just too stupid to realize how stupid she is. By the last 4 hours I would also fast forward to scenes that involve and Kim AND any interactions that involve her with other events of the show. I guess the writers didn’t mean for us to be watching the show hour after hour. It was meant to be a weekly thing. I simply took the show 24 hrs too seriously. More stupid events started taking place that I got so irritated I started screaming at the TV. CB started laughing at how worked up I got, he would tell me to stop fast forwarding because “another really stupid scene is coming up, don’t fast forward you have to watch it.” Stupid stupid stupid!!


Thoughts said...

haha...I've been trying to get you to watch that show for such a long do you know why I get so addicted. I'm actually watching Season 4 now cause it just came out on DVD this week.

And they need a character like Kim in it...every show just adds to the show...haha.

Anonymous said...

my 'folks just got into that show too and they gave me the DVDs (season 1). It's really good - and I find myself yelling at the screen too! hee hee. thank god i live alone - although, my neighbors probably think i'm crazy.
Also, the senator guy is the same actor that's in those AllState commercials - I keep waiting for him to turn to the camera and say "You're in good hands with AllState" hee hee.
I just added the rest of the seasons on Netflix so we can chat about it... :)