Sunday, January 08, 2006

2005 must have been a good year. I spent a good deal of time yesterday, Saturday, retracing my paper work from the past week to correct the dates I mistakenly written as 2005. Last year flew by really fast for me. It all started with an attempted New Years kiss by CB leading to countless dates and small trips to places I've never been. Then YN moved down and built my alcohol tolerance to a level that I should have acquired back in college. In the midst of the all the chaotic summer weekends I cured myself of narcolepsy and can now serve as a reliable designated driver. The biggest achievement of all ... running my first marathon. The training consumed my life, but it was all worth it. November '05 was my recovery month and I enjoyed everyday of it with lots of food and sitting in front of the TV. The vegging continued to the end of the year. I'm sure I didn't need 3 months to refuel, but I was convinced that chocolate bars, apple pies, ice cream and all the nutritious foods were necessary to replenish all the calories I burned during my 5 hours of running. It was also best I moved less. Less calories burned, faster refueling. And REFUELED I am for the new year.

1 comment:

Ben said...

I guess I've been refueling for many years now, then -- every day, I refuel by consuming twice as many calories as I expended during the day of sitting on my fat ass! By now, I think I have enough in my reserve tanks to propel me into outer space. Not a pretty sight, these reserve tanks.