Monday, April 17, 2006

The weather

I'm trying to learn Spanish. It's been 5 months and I still have difficulty creating a question. Aside from "Donde esta la bano?" (ignore the spelling), everything else starts off as"qu'est-ce que..., or Qui est... " really really messes me up! Now I'm incompetent in two languages!

One thing I can talk about is The Weather.

We learned that early in the course because all human beings are genetically programmed to talk about the weather when they have nothing else to say.

-esta lloviendo (it's raining)
-si, esta lloviendo mucho
-hace frio tambien ....

Weather is easy to talk about, because there really isn't much to say but to agree with the person unless they don't know the difference between sun and rain.

Speaking of Llueve. I've been here six years and this year I had to buy an umbrella. Llueve.

1 comment:

Ben said...

I tried learning Spanish once before. I visited one of those "learn something new in _X_LANGUAGE_ everyday" websites. Of course, with my attention span and level of commitment to anything, I only visited once.

So now, "La ciudad esta muy lejos de aquí." is the only full sentence I can say in Spanish. Oh, and "¿Dónde está la biblioteca, Juan?" (courtesy of Bedazzled).