Friday, June 10, 2005

Pillsbury Toaster Strudel


I'm not a big fan of junk food or fast food or frozen food and stuff like that. Good Desserts are an exception: cookies, cakes, pies, ice cream, chocolates have made their way as part of my food groups. But there are just some things that don't appeal to me such as chips and dips, nachos, frozen food, twinkies and stuff alike, fast food, fries, anything fried except for tempura, candies, chocolate bars (unless i'm PMSing) etc.

I was starving last night because I had to stay a little later at work, so I hopped over to Target to grab something quick and the RED sale sign for the Pillsbury Toaster Strudel caught my eyes. It was only $1.70 for a box of 6 strudels. I figured I haven't tried any of this stuff in years so I got a box of chocolate strudels and egg/ham/cheese. I popped them in the toaster and oh my god.. they were good. The strudel was smaller than my palm and with 200 calories and 10 grams of fat no wonder they were good. AND CHEAP. I can see how easy it is for people to just live off this stuff. The strudel was so flakey it was as if I just pulled it out of the deep fryer.

I'm trying to pawn it off to my co-workers now so I don't develop an affinity for them.


celia said...

I love Nacho's! Especially with lots of ground beef and cheese & jalapeno peppers! And I love popcorn, especially late at night when I don't feel like cooking.

Anonymous said...

hmmm... i seem to recall a recent blog about a mad hamburger craving, though... :)
i came to the recent realization, though, that in that downtown RWC location, the cravings for "good stuff" is stronger cuz they're EVERYWHERE.

head dump said...

Popcorn is good, espeically Kettle corn. I get a big bag from the Farmer's Market every Sat. to last me a week.

Fumbling said...

I'm with Celia on the nachos. Y'know what's also good are cream filled crepes from Save On Foods.

Ben said...

"I can see how easy it is for people to just live off this stuff."

I think what you meant was it's easy for people to die off that stuff.

As for cravings, I only have one major craving right now. Okay, two. And neither of them are really food (though after one of them, I will probably have immediate cravings for many of the foods you mentioned).

head dump said...

ok, I've had about 5 of those strudels so far and they are NASTY, just NASTY stuff. I can start to taste all the preservatives and shortening in them.