Monday, June 04, 2007


I’m surfing through facebook adding friends that I haven’t met since high school. These are people I haven’t seen for over 10 years. Their pictures come up and most of them proudly display photos of their wedding or kids.

I don’t know why it should still surprise me. The fact that most people are getting married or having kids has hit me and passed already. But still, just this Saturday while spending an afternoon at a friends’ housewarming the place swarmed with infants and toddlers and I had mistakenly thought the kids belonged to the hosts aunts and uncles or something. They were all children of friends.

Then on Sunday we went to a baptism followed by a reception. More kids! Loud screaming kids. Some starting to walk, some running. Some run and scream, it's a team of mobile surround sound stereo system featuring: scream as loud as you can.

I smile and laugh.. oh how cute. How else are you supposed to respond?

Last night I passed out at 9:30pm and got up today at 7am. That's a good 9.5 hours of sleep. I'm still tired. I can't imagine how mothers deal with kids. If I have kids, I'm going to build a sound proof nursery room. screw the investment on Winnie the Pooh decor and get some good solid sound proofing walls.

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