Sunday, October 05, 2008

10 lbs

I gained 10lbs since my wedding.
My jeans barely fit and I get that thigh rubbing thing going on. Shit, even my underwear suffocate my thighs. I'm really only 2 lb heavier than my average weight, but I'm bigger and less toned. Gotta hit that treadmill a bit harder. There really isn't much motivation with there's no one to impress.


Fumbling said...

If it makes you feel better I dont remember the last time I went running. Seriously.

Ben said...

If it makes any of you feel better, both the wife and I have put on at least 5lb apiece since our wedding in May. My poor, poor belt.

Oliver said...

if it makes you feel any better, i'll buy you new jeans.

head dump said...

new jeans please.