Thursday, September 16, 2004

Double booked

It was a Wednesday night and I sat at the bar at TGIF's sipping on my Tropicolada, allowing the alcohol to infuse my brain cells. The buzz must have taken me to another wordly dimension because a vision came to my mind... my jean jacket on a hanger with another jacket over it!! The mystery was solved! I had double booked my hanger and fogotten about it! I'm so excited, one item crossed off the list of the lost.


Ben said...

So when you sip on a Tropicolada, you become psychic and have out-of-body experiences? Next time you do that, could you try to envision where my lost $1M is? Or even maybe the next lottery numbers. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

ceaz said...

Uh oh.. if that wasn't YOUR jacket, who's jacket was it that I sold for $0.50 on Ebay with $20 shipping? Ummmmmmmm.. I guess it doesn't really matter.

Ben - I found your $1M and lost it all betting on the Finns beating Canada in the World Cup of Hockey. Damn those Canadians!!! So blame Canada for your loss.

Fumbling said...

I find clothes the same way. Ie under a heap of Simon's stuff. He thought my jeans were his (how insulting) and stashed them under his pile in the closet. Other great places to look include the car and laundry hamper.

Thoughts said...

Is that the jacket that you thought you left at my place?

head dump said...

yes, that's the jacket.

Ben said...

Thoughts, that's the jacket she was looking for. But stop looking for it because, you see, she found it. It was on a hook under another jacket, and this vision came to her during her drunken stupor. It's all written up there.

You're welcome.

(Head Dump, please tell me you weren't sitting in TGIF getting drunk by yourself, trying to conjure up visions.)

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH, HEAD DUMP - YOU ARE SUCH A NERD!!! I can't believe that you were looking for that jacket for so long and it was RIGHT THERE!!! I hate it when that happens. I do it all the time. Looking and looking for something and it's right in front of me! sheesh...