Monday, November 08, 2004

My first GUITAR

I purchased my first guitar this past weekend. I've always wanted to learn how to play! I'm so excited that I really don't know what to do. Really.

I pick it up every hour and I run my thumb through the strings, what else can I do? I don't know how to play. I'm planning on getting some DVD's or go online to learn the basics. I hope to get a song down by the end of the year. Until then, my roomates are going to have a field day with me strumming non-sense for the next few months.

I'm looking forward to playing a few songs at our staff retreat down at Aptos in January. Singing by the campfire and what-not.


Fumbling said...

I learned cuz I had to in grade 7. It hurt my fingers. I don't really remember anything about how to play but it's one those things where you'd have to get past the extreme boredom of learning chords that sound like nothing recognizable before you're able to play anything good. Hope you stick it out, I kinda wish I did.

Fumbling said...
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