Monday, November 29, 2004

whipped cream

That was the best snow I've been on in a long time. The sun was out in Lake Tahoe on Friday, the sky was clear and the view was great. There was about an inch of fresh snow covering hard packed snow underneath. Saturday morning was like a blizzard! We started off with a thoughtful warm breakfast, geared up then were hit with high winds, lots of snow and freezing cold! But by 3pm the weather started to clear up and 2 friends and I were lucky enough to endure a 30 minute hike to the Nevada side of Heavenly. We were pretty much the only ones there, riding over fresh untouched powder. It was like dipping my board in whip cream, soft, fluffy and smooth. Those few runs within an hour made the whole trip worth it. By 3:50pm my hands were numb, nose dripping and my body was hating me, but we just had to squeeze in one more. You know you had a good time when your body is ready to go home but you just don't care. I took a nose dive on my last run 'cuz my board was sinking into the powder (oh, cry me a river). I wished I had enough speed to make it all the way to the Gondola, but that fall actually felt good.
That night I paid for all the fun with so much pain that every move became a work out.

Sunday morning we cleared the place by 12 noon, thanks to all my friends for lending a hand with clean up, helping to eat all the left overs and being swift to pack up. Or maybe I shouldn't thank them 'cuz we might have been able to leave later and miss the 7 hour traffic.

Either way, it was so nice to get away, be with your friends, have fun on the slopes and if you didn't lose money at the casino, it was a pretty cheap trip.

Sunday night: My bed never felt so comfortable.


Fumbling said...

thank you and james for organizing and accomodating all 15 of us! I really don't think I could've endured the 1/2 hour hike. My feet were cramping, my ass was dripping wet and my shins bruised from my boots. Dammit, we should've slept in and started at like 1:30.

Oliver said...

i'm so jealous. we don't have any good snow here yet and i'm just itching to go boarding!

celia said...

your trip is oliver's dream...i can't wait to snowboard. my second year!

ceaz said...

I've never dipped by board in whip cream before. It may be soft, fluffy and smooth but wouldn't that be really messy?

Christine said...

thanks also to u and james for setting this up!! too bad we had to leave early.. next time we stay longer to party it up as long as u don't sleep early!

Ben said...

Definitely thanks to you and J for organizing the trip and for having it at his place. I was not expecting sub-zero weather in Tahoe and we certainly felt the bone-chilling winds and ice in our faces and all over! I'd say that all in all, it probably wasn't the best first-run-of-the-season experience, but I'm glad to have done it one last time before I leave California behind.

head dump said...

Ben, I'm glad you made it, it's nice to try to enjoy what this place has to offer before you leave. too bad it was so crappy on Sat.