Friday, December 03, 2004

There they go.

This month two friends will be leaving the Bay Area. Friends are hard to come by, and it's so sad to see two take off just like that. I'm so proud of them. I know some of us are unsatisfied with the stage we are in our lives. I've often considered moving and leaving this place too, but I'm scared. So, to see two of them packing up, moving far far away to achieve what they want is very inspring for me. It's do-able, things will be ok and I could leave if I want. Will I do it? Probably no time soon, still to chicken shit.

Gosh, with those two gone who's going to share my MJ with me?

Squirl's been a good friend from the start, we hit it off with a comfort level like sisters share. You know, the one where you can bitch at eachother and know it's ok 'cuz there's no escaping this relationship. But alas, she's taking her loud Cosmopolitan/Malibu Orange voice to a city large enough to accomodate her vocal range. The next two weeks will be dedicated towards doing things squirl's been wanting to do, but never got the chance to do in the Bay Area. Like going to the mystery spot. Gosh, that place is boring, but I already made a point that i'm only going if I get to be drunk when I step in. Maybe it'll counter balance my drunken equilibrium.


Thoughts said...

It's always hard to leave a place that you've grown so comfortable with. It's a big step and takes preparation to finally move. Look it took me over a year to finally move after bitching about this place for so long. I will definately miss this place and all the friends I have made here. And when you're ready to do the same, I'm sure you will.

Will miss you lots!

celia said...

take it from sis' ... it's only geography. with every decision you make, it's always a new experience. growth is experience. look how many times i've "relocated"