Friday, December 10, 2004

Tis the season

To be shopping fa la la la la

For every gift I've made this season I seem to have doubled one for myself too. This Christmas is getting to be very expensive. Due to my lack of discipline on keeping to "the list" , "the list" I'm having to shorten the list or find cheaper gifts. oops.

This week has been very slow at work. I often find myself walking to the staff "lunch" room to be entertained by the millions of ants attacking the cookies there. I love my co-workers, but for some reason they just don't get it. Ants are crawling all over this bowl of packaged cookies that they managed to rip their way into. I don't know where to begin to clean them up. They're pouring out of the bowl like a black waterfall. Today I tried using tape. I got so bored so I grabbed packaging tape and placed a few strips on the counter. I left it at that. Maybe that'll help disperse them. Hold on, let me go check. um, No, I think they called for back up instead.

Thank god it's Friday


celia said...

Uh, you do mean "Ants" and NOT "Aunts"...

Thoughts said...

Yah...I remember having ants at the old was disguisting...that's what made me start smoking so much...the ants. Weird how something so small can cause so much headaches huh?

head dump said...

oops, did I type 'aunts'? well, sure, why not, we have lots of those too. let me go fix it. a bored mind is not as sharp as a stressed one.