Sunday, January 23, 2005

6 miles

I did my sencond off-treadmill 6 mile run yesterday. The first time was Thursday when I got 2.5 miles into the run and debated if I should turn back. Since I wasn't winded yet, I went the extra .5 miles, making the round trip 6 miles. I was definetly proud of myself. I tried it again yesterday, and I think I can make it a routine distance now. I'm aiming for a marathon, but with Van's advice I'll try not to leap too far and look for a half marathon to do. The trail I run is 6 miles one way. I've considered running the whole way, which would leave me no option but to run the whole 12 miles to get back. But I"ll leave that for a stupid day when I feel like killing my legs. Why do I run? Aside from the good workout, I like the euphoric feeling it leaves me. It helps pump up my adrenalin and relieve everyday stress. On bad days, I'll take out my frustrations on the trails and run harder. Then I get winded and too tired to think of anything but my aching thighs, butt, chest. Plus I think it depletes the sugar from my brain leaving me incapable of thinking too much. Which apparently is a common problems with women. There's even a book about it. I get this little buzz in my brain and though it only lasts a few minutes after the run it's the only time my mind is clear of all the shit I breath in everyday.

The other night during a few drinks the topic of the "ultra marathon man" came up. He's a 40 something year old San Franciscan, a husband and father. One night after an upsetting evening with his friends, he took off running from S.F. all the way to Half Moon Bay. He started running from that point on. Now he plans on running one marathon a day through the 50 states! That's 26.4 miles FYI. Now, I'm not going to take off one day and run my way home to Vancouver or anything, but I can see how running works for some people. I just have to make sure I don't injure myself while training. I can already feel my ITB giving problems.


jason l said...

you can use one of those foam rollers on your ITB to loosen it up.

head dump said...

Thanks, I do, and they hurt so bad! I can't put my whole weight on it. My knees hurt very slightly after my run, I can only imagine them getting worse if I don't train right.

Sam said...

Good job... Check this out
This might be helpful for the training.

Ben said...

That ultra-marathon-man. Is his name ... Forrest Gump?