Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year! 2005

How can this be? 4:35 Am and I am still awake! This is unlike me, and rather frustrating. I can't sleep. I don't know how to cope with this force that's keeping me awake. I never had to deal with it before. New Years Eve was alright, I was in good company but the crowd was 100% Asian. They were So Asian, plenty of people were speaking Chinese. I haven't been in that kind of crowd since Vancouver. In addition, geeky guys attempting to dance and picking up chicks. It's a sad sight. Girls dressed in haulter tops and skirts that barely cover their asses, guys digging the scene just to be stared down by the same girls dressed for selective attention. I'm buzzed. I can't sleep. And blogging isn't helping. I can't stand laying in bed more than 5 minutes without being able to fall asleep! blah..


Fumbling said...

omg YOU can't sleep?? You poor thing! Welcome to insomnia, something that a lot of us suffer :) (for me only on rare occasions luckily).

Ben said...

Where the heck were you that was teeming with Asians? What, all of a sudden you think you're too cool for geeky guys trying their best??

Don't knock the skimpy girls whose choice of dress would make a hooker blush. Because us guys ain't blushin'.

celia said...

try crossword puzzles...they put me to sleep pretty fast.

whatupwilly said...

I looked for pictures of you guys here: but I didn't see any.

But I did see a lot of those short skirts you were talking about....