Monday, November 06, 2006

Chinese Fortune Telling

To all Dragons out there (born 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988) look forward to better luck next year. This year has just been the shits for me. Crap keeps happening to me, starting with my car getting broken into, (this monitor just went blank, followed by me pissing off, but now it’s ok) losing stuff left and right, CB’s car having problems after the break-in when it was under my care, the house having issues and on and on.. I was told this year would be bad for dragons, so I faithfully carried a little jade Rabbit to ward off evil and misfortune, maybe I should’ve adopted a pet rabbit instead.

The fortune has been released for next year and it looks like Dragons are going to have a 180 on their luck. This luck seems to center around relationships. If you’re single, you’ll get hitched, if you’re coupled, you’ll develop many new relationships. That’s nice to hear, but at this point I’d be happy to just recover my losses.


Fumbling said...

i thought we're supposed to carry a jade rooster? I'm glad to hear we finally get some good luck. did you read this yourself or did you require some translation help from the folks?

head dump said...

It was forwarded to me from Royce's mom. She's apparently a true believer of Chinese fortune telling and receives information from a very reliable fortune teller. I should also add that my mom had my fortune told many times. They all said I'd be rich at a very young age. I'm pretty Friggin old right now so does that mean I missed my fortune? Maybe they meant it in a non-monetary definition. They should be more clear, I really had my hopes up.

Mone said...

Maybe you should have had your pockets full of jade stones? hahahaha
Good luck for the next year :)