Sunday, November 26, 2006


I've never been a big fan of video games. Never had that hand eye coordination. I think it all started with Zelda. I'd go over to Winnie's place in Grade 7 and after an hour I'm happier being a back seat driver.. "turn left, you've gone right already.. open THAT box!" . Then my uncle brought over Atari, I actually liked the games we had on that then the machine broke because my cousin Felix got pissed on a level and decided to do some real damage. Then there was Tetris and Bommerman and Bombliss. ooh those were my favourites. Street Fighter and Mario Brothers? mmm.. no, what's up with those combination moves?? couldn't stand it. A few years ago I got a good laugh with Super mario cart and that was the last of it.

This past weekend CB pulls out Halo, I had to spend a day just so my man doesn't walk around in circles with his head down. CB had to partner with me just to keep me alive long enough to develop a learning curve.

Now I can walk decently, the aiming is very off, but I'm starting to like it more.

CB was so patient teaching me the buttons and all that good stuff. He even waited for me to walk up to his player (which took a few min) after I crashed my hover thingy because driving THAT is worse than walking. After 3 hours I got a little addicted and tired. Then he said to me " when I get the new game, just ignore me at night time, I'll be playing till I pass out"
well, can't I join you?
"no, I'll never improve if I play with someone who's..... not as good as me."


Christine said...

oooh no... you're gonna be addicted like me! (And you wondered how I never moved from the same spot when I used to play at home.. hehe =P)

Ben said...

Do you play with your whole body, like you think you have a Wiimote?

I don't really have the patience for those long adventure games now. It's not even like I DON'T spend that much time infront of the TV/computer, but rather, I don't have the attention span to stick with that one task (and all that strategic thinking) for s'long.

I still like puzzle games, though, and those games you can just play "one" of, and then leave.

head dump said...

I guess it's an addiction when i'm replacing my work out time with Xbox.

The only time I use my whole body is with driving games or to physically block CB from killing my man.

celia said...

I know what you mean my getting use to the "joystick"... hahaahah...i'm such an 80's geek. I got addicted to HaLo and didn't sleep the whole night. My friend left me to play after dinner and woke up to me still playing. . .