Wednesday, August 18, 2004

over time bitch fest

I've always felt it was important to have some time to yourself, but lately I've been missing it more than anything. I still spend most of my week nights alone, watching TV, DVD's mostly, chatting online of just catching up on some chores, bills, laundry, cleaning and stuff. But there's been so much happening at work for the past 2-3 wks. The minute I step foot through that door at 8am I know I won't be sitting down till lunch time, and that's when I go work out. I come back around 2pm, catch up on emails then 2:30 hits and i'm off running through the halls again, yes, literally running from the back room up to the front. I have been putting more and more hours in the weekends to work and all the deadlines, constantly talking to people, several people throughout the day, listening, empathizing, understanding, ignoring the whiners and at times getting hit on! WTF, this one white guy in his late 30's flat out asked me my height and weight, I didn't answer, "how old are you?", I continued my portion of the questioning, "do you have a boyfriend?" fockers, how disrespectful... by the time I get home I don't want to talk to anyone (conveniently my roomate is never around). Ssshh... and a beer or some kind of herbal remedy would be great, thank you.

Shopping is a great remedy. I bought a new pair of jeans the other day, it's supposed to make my booty look good. I sure spent enough on them. I also got this blush for Benefit, but I don't even see the colour show up on my face.. what a rip. I'm thinking of buying a guitar! I want to learn to play. I'm also looking into joining a running clinic or hiking club or some club to show me some good trails. That is one thing I like lots about the Bay area. There are lots of trails around, though the nicer one's are usually further away. oh, and I want an electric piano too, so I can play and not irritate the hell out of my roomates or neighbours. hm.. 1:30, time to take a nap since I didn't hit the gym.


Thoughts said...

Welcome to the Real World! And you were wondering why I never had free time? Shit I was working way more hours than you and running around. You get used to it after a while and it does eventually pay off cause now I don't work at much at all...but it's also where you work too!

Anonymous said...

um. came here via squirl's page via van's page. for running, you can check these out:

maps of trails:

Anonymous said...

oops. didn't finish.

group i sometimes run w/, either in SF or east bay:

yahoo group for bay area runners:

there are a whole bunch of other groups, just depending on where you like to run. hiking is pretty much the same places.

Ben said...

I guess maybe you think you're running around more than you really are. You managed to at least blog today about being too busy to do anything (including blogging)!

Yeah, life in general can be rather high-maintenance. The trick is finding that balance of doing less work to keep your life going, and how low of a quality of life (or cleanliness of your kitchen, or perfect organization of your room) you're willing to live with. And thus is born the bachelor's (filthy) pad syndrome.

Anonymous said...

Check out It's my favourite site for finding new trails.
-CY (via Ben's site)

Anonymous said...

As the old addage goes... 'this too shall pass'. I've been working here for almost 4 years so I can say this with 100% certainty - August and September are always crazy. After that, it's back to normal. Don't worry! Maybe you can negotiate a few Thursdays off and a more leisurely schedule on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Besides that, Farmers Market ends in October so you can switch off Saturdays with the BossMan. Just hang in there! =)

celia said...

ooh, i just had this vision... trails and dead bodies. hope you're being extra careful out there!! as for work - reality bites. btw, oliver wants to say hi!

head dump said...

Thanks for the web sites of hikes and stuff.