Monday, August 02, 2004

A walk in the Clouds

Sunday had a heavy overcast, but we headed across the Golden Gate towards Mount Tamaplais anyways. We took the first exit and drove towards point Bonita. The winds were gustily but luckily it wasn’t too cold. We looked at the view of the city and the Golden Gate. Then we drove further in towards a fort (forgot the name). We began our hike after a short snack in the parking lot. We started off following a wide dirt trail then continued along the cliffs. The mountain was mostly bare, it was covered in browned grass and short thick shrubs that occasionally reached beyond my knees. Although it was cloudy and windy the view was still magnificent. There was no one in sight, no city buildings and no traffic. All we heard were sounds of the ocean, wind and fog horn, oh and our own voices. I think most people would prefer to hike on sunny days, but I would never have guessed how beautiful nature can be even when it’s cloudy. We continued hiking up along our “trail”, cutting through bushes, climbing up dirt then reached at concrete platform. At this point we were already in the clouds. We weren’t able to see more than 20 ft ahead of us. I felt as though I was in heaven. We layed down on the platform and took a little nap, when we opened our eyes the world around us felt surreal. Everything was white. This was a nice easy hike to go on. Once I figure out the location I'll have to take twirly squirly on it.

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