Friday, August 27, 2004

Hey, it's "me"

Everyone is entitled to be a little lazy now and then, speak in half sentences, drop a few words here and there, create a few words to make things FUNNER. BUT! why are you too freakin lazy to tell me your NAME when you leave messages??!! "Hey head dump, it's ME" who the f*** is ME? Unless that's your name, you're not "ME"! Do you think I only have one friend? okay okay, I may have a small circle of friends but 'common now, after all that static on my cell phone you're all starting to sound the same. male, female, male trying to sound female I dunno.. WHO ARE YOU!!! why do you have to make me search my caller ID? Just tell me your name. Just say it! "say your name bitch!"


Anonymous said...

Well, sheesh, tell us how you really feel, hu? =) I do agree, though. I'm really good at recognizing voices, but still, you don't want to have to guess. Besides, my view is this: if it's really important - they'll call back. so, don't trip, girl! it's OK - breathe.

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. I have been guilty of leaving a message and telling a person that it's "me" calling, but then again, that's only when I'm leaving a message for my girlfriend. - me (guess who?)

Anonymous said...

I never leave messages. I call twice and if no one answers, I'll just try again later. See? This is why you get call display.

Anonymous said...

it would be funny if you all started to refer to yourselves by your blogger names ... though people might think you were all retards then. ~ joe schmoe

Ben said...

You have static on your cell phone? Seriously? Uh, aren't we all digital now?

But I know what you mean. "Me" is usually reserved for girlfriends / boyfriends / immediate family. After that, you Asian people all sound the same.

celia said...

Hey, it's ME. D'oh, my name is displayed.

Thoughts said...

Haha...I do that all the time...but only to my close friends. Hence Miss Eva, if I ever call, I would expect you to be able to recognize my voice. I don't think I've ever left my name when calling you and you've always managed to call me back.

Ben said...

Den, was it a male voice?

Anonymous said...

You should record that on your answering machine or something. "Hi, this is Head Dump, I'm not available to answer your call right now, so say your name, bitch!"