Monday, August 23, 2004

Those 2 weeks

There are two painful weeks in a month in a woman's life. The week before and the week of her period. You PMS, then you bleed. When you really think about it, we spend 1/4 of the year bitching and anther 1/4 of the year bleeding that leaves us only 1/2 a year to lead a normal life! That means a quarter of women's decisions are hormonally influenced and another quarter with cranky, bloating symptoms. That wasn't the point of this story though, it was simply something I concluded while diagnosing my eating habits. I have a pretty strong craving for sweets, but most of the time I can keep it under control. I also work out frequently to stay in shape, but when that one special week comes I lose all self control! I'll stock up on chocolate! lots of chocolate! I have this brownie cake sitting in front of me right now that weighed about 5 pounds! I bought it on Saturday along with some chocolate bread pudding, a pear danish and some other pastry. The brownie is already half gone and I cleared the bread pudding on Sunday and the other two pastries on Saturday. I pretty much took in my months' caloric intake in one week! and I do this every month!! Why do I work so hard at the gym just to sabotage my hard work with this food!! crap, this blog is taking awhile to write between my brownie bites.

mmm....yummy.... actually maybe this PMS stuff isn't so bad after all. I get to indulge in all the good sinful sweets that I normally won't allow myself to indulge in, and I give myself excuses to miss the gym. I also feel it's quite ok to bitch slap those who get in the way. ahh.. yes, those 2 fabulous weeks.


Fumbling said...

there's a pill that makes it so you only get your period 4 times a year or something.

Thoughts said...

There was some movie but I can't remember what movie it was right now, but this one line went something like this. "I don't trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die."

ceaz said...

Hey.. That just means us guys get bitched at for 1/4 of the year just because! Life's unfair isn't it?

Ben said...

I've been craving (and giving into the craves for) myriad junk foods: chips, fries, burgers, you name it. Yesterday, I stuffed my piehole with pasta for lunch, and then wolfed down three fatty cookies while reviewing a Master Services Agreement contract at a client's place (damn them for making them so accessible)! I must be on mine too.

PS. That use of "myriad" above is grammatically correct; not a typo.

Thoughts said...

Yes it sucks to get your period...but then again not every girl has as bad of PMS as others. I know PMS does make you cranky, but seriously, it's not excuse to take it out on everyone around you. People use it as an excuse, but I don't think it's ever ok to be rude, cranky to people. I do it too but I still think it's wrong.