Sunday, February 27, 2005

starch spray

I finally tried using starch sprays when ironing my shirts. I can't believe the difference it makes, espeically on cotton shirts! It practically makes the shirt new again! The colour shines brighter and it definitely takes out those little wrinkles that never seem to go away, no matter how hard you press down. For 99 cents a can, that's the best buy I made from Target.


celia said...

i need to try that out! first i need to get myself and iron and board.

Anonymous said...

SCREW THAT! i take my stuff to the dry cleaners. i can't stand ironing!!! i don't know why - i don't mind cleaning, laundry, dishes - i just CAN'T STAND ironing. A few bucks later - no wrinkles. :)

celia said...

Ah yes, the dry cleaners. I was a fan of the dry cleaners until, ah yes, this thing called MONEY.