Thursday, April 21, 2005

Big Al's

After reading Van's blog about her first police report and perverts, I was reminded of an incident when I stepped into Big Al's on Broadway and Columbus. I was checking out their wall collection of um...big stuff. I took notice of a few products that impressed me with shear size and stood there in awe when I noticed from the corner of my eyes a man in his50's standing three feet to my left staring at the wall too. I felt uncomfortable that we were looking at the same products, maybe? So I kinda froze and just stood there, then I glanced over to see why he wasn't moving and dang, the man was wanking off in the middle of the store, Hand in his pants and all! I guess those peep shows in the back just didn't do it for him that he had to stare at plastic packaged parts.


Fumbling said...

man that kind of activity is illegal and sickos like that need to face some consequences for doing shit like that. I say call 911 next time you see that garbage.

Anonymous said...

why doesn't he just buy something and do it at home!

Ben said...

Hey! I was NOT in my 50's! Jeez, just ONE TIME you want to relieve yourself, and the story follows you for years.

I guess it could have been (slightly) worse. He could have been polishing his pole ... while staring at you.

head dump said...

Ben, you sicko, is this what Taiwan has done to you?