Monday, April 04, 2005


I check my horoscope randomly on, sometimes it hits the spot, sometimes it serves as a reminder of how silly I am to even take this stuff seriously. I usually take the applicable advices and ponder on them for a few moments. But today's advice really hits the spot.

Around the 1st, the new month could bring a couple of 'authority issues' with it. Authority issues? Yep, that's right. Authority issues, as in, you really, really hate taking stupid orders. As in, you feel like you could do your boss' job about a hundred times better then they do it. As in, maybe it's time for you to move on from your current workspace. Why not spend the 2nd getting your resume together? If nothing else, it's a good way to look at where you've been and what you've learned, and it'll help you think about where you might want to go next. On the 5th and 6th, your daydreams about the future need to go on the back burner while you put your head down and finish up a few projects. But don't abandon those old daydreams. (Where, after all, do you think reality comes from?) Come back to them on the 13th and bounce them off a good friend or two. What do they think about your idea to start your own design business/rhubarb pie stand/legal advice hotline?

How do these psychics know? There must be a gazillion Librans out there! Are they all going through the same thing? doh. Time to stop dragging ass. Gotta get myself out of here. Knowing myself, I won't get anything done till a year later. sheesh.

This office seems to be getting smaller and smaller. ML left last week and Mag is leaving next week. I feel like I"m in the twilight zone and people are starting to suspiciously disappear. Except, I know the cause, and it's THE BOSS. Enough about work.

Running has come to a decisive halt this week. Dr's orders, my own orders. I injured my left achilles a few weeks ago by forcing myself through a few sprints to up my speed. I continued doing short runs and now I walk with a limp. What a dumb ass, I should practice what I preach. But running becomes addictive, especially when you can easily overcome the ankle pain after a 10 minute warm up. Which, is what I've been doing up till Sunday. I went for a 20 min jog with YN. "But I won't be able to keep up" whines YN, don't worry, with my limp we'll be at the same speed. She didn't like my comment. I can't wait for this thing to heal though. I've been searching through some running magazines and I'm really hoping to be ready for the Big Sur marathon October 1st. can I run for 4+hours? that's kinda boring.

1 comment:

Ben said...

Seriously? You believe in these?