Tuesday, April 05, 2005


What a glorious morning. Tuesday mornings without THE BOSS. Our early morning conversation started with husbands that are soon to be X-husbands and the pains of going through a divorce. I've seen so many divorces in this city, divorce has simply become an expensive break up. Of course no one gets married with the expectation of divorcing later on. Like wise, I'm sure no one get involved in a committed relationship with the expectation of breaking up either. The financial component of a divorce is the biggest issue in our conversation. Some couples feel that they should share one account. Just one joint account and no separate individual ones. As a couple, partners, a team, it is unnecessary to carry your own separate account. The two of you are as one. That sounds pretty sweet, for better or worse, you sink or swim together. From my personal experience, I wouldn't bet my life on sharing a joint credit card. A joint savings account for the bills, probably, but not a card! Especially not after seeing what my girlfriend is going through. This doesn't imply I'm anticipating a divorce should I get married (at this rate, never), and am preparing to avoid the financial complications. To me, having my own account also gives me the freedom to buy personal items without consulting my partner. Nor would I feel taken advantage of if my other half suddenly lavishes on expensive new toys because he's going through a mid life crisis or whatever. It's you/my money, do what you want, but the pot we share in between is for the family. Credit cards? Keep them separate. I’m sure things aren’t as simple as I think, I'm not even sure why I'm giving this so much thought. With life as it is now I'd die happy a single woman. But of course, being a Libran I have to see the flip side of the coin ie. Anna Nicole Smith. nuff said.


Anonymous said...

I agree with your idea of seperate credit cards, but there is usually one person in charge of doing bills. so, then this issue arises: If the CC bills are more than the cash flow that month, how does the payment get split. Also, if there are seperate CCs/bills, are there seperate checking accounts? Then, what do you do about shared bills like cable, electric, ect? Seriously, what is the point????!!!

Fumbling said...

eek you realize that your full name first and last is part of the url of this site which makes you very identifiable should your boss or acquaintance happen to google your name right?

head dump said...

I KNOW! I talk about BOSS lots, I'm so screwed if he reads this before I leave. Is there anyway to change my URL w/o losing previous postings? (thinking) that's a Q for Tineybopper.

Ben said...

1. In your Blogger settings, you can change the domainname of your blog URL. You should definitely do that first thing.

2. I believe in having a joint account, just because of the concept. Assuming that you and your spouse make similar amounts, the 50/50 split later on isn't so bad. Splitting up bills (who pays what) is for roommates, not for people in love and building a future together. If you want, sign a prenuptial so that what you had going in is safe, but still gives you the idea of building a future without separating his/hers.

head dump said...
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