Tuesday, April 05, 2005


I'm procrastinating. I have to write a speech for Toastmasters tomorrow and I can't think of what to write, instead, I suddenly have lots to blog about. The other night while stuck at Blush just to get a drink, YN and I were approached by little boys trying to dance to us. She was surprised, I know they don't do that much in Vancouver, but guys aren't shy around here. The distgust on her face was priceless. I was buzzed, I didn't care when little Ming offered to get us drinks. Crown shots, yelled YN. Little Ming was wasted after that. He was a nice boy YN and I conversed on our way home. Kinda cute too, half Chinese, half white. What was a real turn on, though, was when he started talking to me in perfect Mandarin. WOW. I was impressed. I think I'd like to date a guy I can speak mandarin with. Parents would love that too! heck, they want me to go back to Taiwan and get married or something. They're always hinting that i'm wasting my time here and Taiwan is so great and so and so just got married to some doctor/lawyer/government offical who's family is the ranking blah blah of Taiwan and blah blah blah. wonderful, i'm sure they love eachother very much.


celia said...

ya, right! what a waste of my 6 years!

Ben said...

So you girls went out and enjoyed a nice evening getting hit on by little boys? And let me get this right, he spoke Mandarin and you melted in his arms, eh? Cute. And all this time, I thought the language to do that in was Italian or French!

As for coming back to Taiwan to find your arranged marriage counterpart, eh, I don't think so ... unless you like the F4-looking boyband type. Plus, would you want to marry a rich family and then get roped into the formalities associated, and become his little trophy wife for the rest of your life?

Anonymous said...

That's funny. My friend is, actually, according to popular media outlets, Taiwan's most eligible bachelor. He finds it ridiculous and annoying. ~ jason

head dump said...

what's annoying? being the most eligible bachelor? or everyone trying to match-make the most eleiglbe bachelor? Is he cute?