Tuesday, July 27, 2004


somedays at work I wonder if I went into the wrong profession.  I've got this friend who's always worried about losing his job.  He's says it jokingly, but he says it so much that I can't tell if he's joking or not.  He says lots of things jokingly and very repetitive too.  At first I think he's just a joker, now I think maybe he's just very pessimistic and doesn't realize that it's not all that bad.  I know it can be stressful thinking you're might be let go, but it's a little hard to feel sympathetic for someone who got a raise for doing 2 hours of work a day, then is still getting paid for doing nothing right now.  What a life.


Thoughts said...

I don't think he was worried about losing his job from slacking. He was more worried about losing his job cause the company might have went under.

It's a good thing to take your profession seriously. Like he would put it "my job isn't easy! It's hard work not caring about what you do."

Oliver said...

i thought you were talking about me for a second. But then I realized I work for a union and I can't lose my job that easily.

Anonymous said...

no - but that's exactly it. he's so worried b/c he get a raise working 2 hours a day and doesn't have to do anything right now and gets paid.

if you had a shitty little job that paid for taco-bell runs, its easier to be haha-i'm-gonna-lose-my-job joking. when more is at stake, then it might get more nerve-wracking. ~ jason