Thursday, July 29, 2004

Sugar in the raw

This is the way I like my coffee.  Let's start with the coffee itself.  I like it bold, not strong, but bold tasting, Sumatra, Brazil Ipanema Bourbon from Starbucks are my faves.  Tall cup with room for cream please, $1.35.  Now, to perfect it.  1 package of Sugar in the raw, then half and half.  How much half and half? hm.. just open the spout and say pour pour pour stop.  The important addition here is the sugar.  The flavour of the coffee changes with the type of sugar you use.  I usually keep a few packages of Sugar in the raw with me 'cuz not every coffee shop carries it.  It's a little silly, but white sugar ruins the coffee for me.


Anonymous said...

I really don't like the taste of regular coffee, but - this is a little strange - espresso-type coffee actually makes me sick - like throwing up sick - but I love it. I just have to pace myself (and sleep s'more). The only coffee product that doesn't have an ill-effect on me is the Starbuck Frap that they sell in the stores. Weird. But, if I'm being bold: Grande Carmel Macchiato w/whip. mmmm... it's just so good. A few months ago, they introduced the Java Chip Frap - that's really good. The ice cream (of the same name) is delicious as well.

Ben said...

I'm a pussy coffee drinker: I only like those frilly drinks. The ones with all those flavourings and sugary things in it that you can barely recognize it as coffee.

Caramel Macchiato, no foam, with whip. I don't have it often, but when I do, I have a particular coffee ritual I like to perform.

Though that's not all I drink there: I've been known to partake in the joys of a steamed almond milk every so often as well.

celia said...

I like my coffee black. No frills kinda gal.