Thursday, July 22, 2004

point form

Someone told me I'm very emotionally driven.  what does that mean exactly? That I base my decisions on how I feel? Am I less logical? less rational? It's not a bad thing is it? I do need to be a little realistic though.  Day dream a little too much, plenty of REM sleep, sometimes I confuse my dreams with reality.  At worse I wake up screaming from nightmares.  Or getting upset at the person oops... I'll need to find someone who's a deep sleeper.

Latest CD addictions: Toby Lightman, Nickelback, Switchfoot, Cold Play.  There are days when I'm fuming and I need to vent.  I go for a run and I need some music to help me kick butt. R&B, Hip Hop, Rap just doesn't cut it.  I'll Blast Nickelback-Someday, i'll sing with it between breaths (this is trail running of course) and feel that extra rush, I could breath deeper, I can feel my lungs stretch, my quads burning then I slow down, my heart still racing, and it feels good.  I'm going to aim for a marathon by the end of this year, mm.. let's change that to early next year.

It's strange how an apology that's supposed to bring you closer together instead amplifies your differences. 

The Boss is out of town.  The clinic is in my command! muah ha  ha ..Got a massage during my working hours.  I'm loving life right now.


Ben said...

You are more emotionally driven than logically so, wouldn't you say? Though I have to say, I find most women tend to be like that, while guys are the other way 'round. Not saying better/worse, just different. Equal, though.

That depends on how the apology came about, and what that apology was made in the hopes of, doesn't it now?

My boss is permanently situated out of town, but I still don't get no massage. Wouldn't mind one right now.

Thoughts said...'re blog just jumps from topic to's so funny. It really was a head dump huh? Yeah, I agree with most girls being more emotionally driven. I think Ben is saying he wants you to go give him a massage. :)

celia said...

Being emotional is great - it just shows that you are comfortable with expressing yourself freely. Emotions require too many words...bitch slapping requires one movement.

Ben said...

Spoken like a true redneck wifebeater, Celia.

Fumbling said...

The unfortunate thing is that often emotions need to be put aside in order to make logical decisions. I am inclined to believe that "rational" and "emotional" are mutually exclusive.